Days EXPO 2026

Love Business EXPO 2026 - Thursday 12th February 2026

Holywell Park Conference Centre, Loughborough, LE11 3GR - 9:30am - 3:00pm

Love Business EXPO Exhibitor Opportunities

Love Business has a place for your business, it's all about selecting the most appropriate zone.

To ensure exhibitors get the very best quality of delegates, the Love Business team are targeting delegates from all types of business sectors across the Midlands. The Expo will be marketed to the relevant delegate targets - the people you want to do business with.

This is a unique opportunity to showcase your capabilities and the exhibitor package includes:

  • Online Press Release Announcement of Exhibition Stand (via Love Business website news feeds) please send us your Press Release.
  • Listing within the show programme and signage on the day
  • Opportunity to promote your business through Love Business TV*

*There will be a roving camera crew available on the day, look out for the crew and give them your feedback and promote your business at the same time.